It's a girl! We had a family dinner tonight to reveal the surprise. Heather made a pink cake with chocolate frosting so none of the family found out it was a girl until we cut the cake. It was a good time. We are thrilled to know what to expect now. I have temporarily named her petunia since she is a delicate little flower. Plus, I need something to call her when I yell at Heather's tummy.
The search is now under way for her name. Any and all suggestions will be taken under consideration, so feel free to comment with your favorites. Her middle name is already picked out. We have chosen Lee since it was my mother's middle name and it is also Heather's father's middle name.
The poll turned out to be correct with one more vote for girl than boy. The newest pictures of petunia are below. One of them kind of scares me, the other is her little foot print, and then there is the magic one that tells us it's a girl. I use the term magic because I see nothing that would indicate one way or the other what the gender is. I will trust the technician though since she does this more than I do. There were a lot more pictures taken than what I have here. We were able to see everything from her spine to her femur to her arms. I am certain that I could make a replica of her with all the measurements that they took, but that would be creepy.
I'm really impressed with the family's willpower. I would've guessed one of them had ripped into it with their fingers!