Monday, May 11, 2009

The journey of having a baby begins with a lot of nausia.

So this is it. This is what our lives have been leading up to until now. I had always thought that this would happen some day, but I think this is one of those life altering events that no matter how much you tell yourself you are ready for it to happen, it still rocks your world.

Let me start off by saying why we have started this blog. The idea had crossed my mind before to keep track of this time in our lives, but I had bought a journal for Heather online instead of blogging for everyone to enjoy. When we called my sister Cristine to break the news, she requested that we do a blog. I have always thought that blogs were kind of a waste of time. What do I care to read someone else's journal that I don't even know, or even if I did know them, how much interesting stuff could they have to say that they couldn't tell me in person? I felt the same way about Twitter. Do you really need to boil Facebook down to the simplest feature? I mean really, how many interesting things happen to someone any given day to justify up to the minute updates? I can't think of anyone who is that interesting . All that being said, I now have a blog and you can follow my twitters at username SdotKoval.
I joined Twitter really only to follow Kevin & Bean. For those of you who don't know, Kevin & Bean are my favorite morning show from LA. It's really the only morning radio show I have ever liked. You can listen to them from their page at or on Itunes. I will say that I have reconnected with my long lost bud Jared because of Twitter. We both can't wait to see Tyson.

So I guess I should get back to the baby business. We found out about our blessed event five weeks ago. It was a Friday night and my sister was over watching a movie with us. Heather went upstairs and a few minutes later started calling to me. I figured she was out of toilet paper. After she persisted I realized I had to go upstairs to investigate. When I made it to the bathroom, she hit me with the news. I have to say I was stunned. I guess my reaction wasn't "optimal." I really wasn't expecting to hear that. We had "removed the barriers" to get pregnant, but I figured it would take a while. When something as life changing as this happens it is exciting, scary, wonderful, terrifying, and awesome all at the same time. It took a while to sink in. I know this is happening, but I don't have anything else that has happened in my life to gauge this by.

Well, Heather and I went to our first doctor's visit last Monday. Did you know that the husband is not allowed in the room when they are conducting their examinations? I felt like fighting this rule. I mean, what is there that I haven't seen, seeing as I am the father? But, since Heather seemed ok with this, I didn't want to make a bad first impression. The most memorable thing that happened was that Heather couldn't pee. I know she will hate that I wrote this but I found that to be hilarious. Heather pees non stop all the time, and now that she needs to, she has stage fright. When we finally met with the doctor, he was nice. It seemed like he was rushing through things, especially for a first visit. He won't even be one of the delivery doctors. Hopefully I will be more impressed by our next visit.

Heather's nausea has been bad. It has been more than morning sickness. It's been daily sickness. I knew it was bad when I offered her an oreo one night and she turned it down. If you know Heather, she doesn't turn down an oreo.

The journey has just begun and we are learning as we go, but we have a lot of support and I know this will be amazing. My hope is that I can get Heather to post on the blog. She can be resistant to new technology so I will try my best to make that happen.